How does the IT-Leaders platform work?
We have been attracted by several candidates from the platform, how can we connect with them?
Is registration in the platform payable?
How much does the recruitment package cost?
What is included in the recruitment package?
How can I buy a recruitment package?
Where can I download the invoice for the transfer made?
Where can I see the status of invited candidates?
Does the candidate have to go to the platform to read my invitation?
What if the candidate does not respond to my invitation?
What happens when a candidate accepts my invitation?
Why some applicants don't share their CV?
Recruitment for IT-Leaders vs RODO
Do I have to remember to deactivate recruitment after 30 days?
What is the 'quick feedback' option?
What if I haven't found suitable candidates on the platform?
Where and how often do you promote my offer?
I don't want my offers to be displayed on FB and other social media channels